Youth Activities Undertaken in 2022

This article presents an overview of the activities and projects undertaken by the Youth Team of ActionAid Arab Region since the beginning of the year 2022.
With our National Campaign project, climate action activities, a Youth Festival and capacity building sessions, our youth program team has been very active since the beginning of the year!

National Campaign to change negative perception toward youth civic and political participation.
As part of the ActionAid project “National Campaign to change negative perception toward youth civic and political participation” a training program targeting young people has been organized from 24th of March to 2nd of April 2022, in partnership with the Danish-Arab Partnership Program (DAPP).
Click here to learn more about the National Campaign.
Participants, divided into five groups representing different governorates of Jordan (Karak, Jerash, Mafraq, Balqa’a and Amman), will have to create one short film per group each month and organize an event where the short films will be broadcasted and then discussed with the audience
Youth Festival in Denmark
Young people from Jordan, Tunisia and Denmark met in Copenhagen from 8 to 14 May 2022 to participate in a conference organized by the Danish Foreign Ministry in partnership with the Danish-Arab Partnership Program (DAPP).
ActionAid Arab Region sent 5 participants from Jordan and 2 from Tunisia, who participated in workshops, exercises, group discussions, debates, and visited the Danish Parliament. This youth exchange was an opportunity for young people to acquire new skills in order to bring about change in their communities through civic participation.
The workshop also created spaces for the exchange of experience between young activists and civil society leaders in Denmark and the MENA region with a view to gain tools, knowledge and inspiration to take back to their local communities.

Climate action projects and workshops: adding a green component to our work
Throughout the month of May, our team travelled around Jordan to conduct workshops aiming at raising awareness about climate action. We travelled to Mafraq, Azraq, Karak and Amman to visit the youth hubs and discuss ways to reduce plastic consumption as well as how to recycle waste. Our aim is to foster youth participation in climate action.
In 2022, we will support youth all around Jordan in their own green climate projects. The objective is to work on youth leadership and empowerment, to allow them to be at the center of the solution for climate action.