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Battle Field of a Single Mother

Elham is a Lebanese single mother for four children, based on Bekka eastern Lebanon. Elham lost her ability to walk on her way back home from work, weather conditions were harsh in Bekka recently and

A Firmer Personality

Mohammad is a 11-year-old Jordanian boy living within a small family. Mohammad’s attitudes changed completely when he started attending the psychosocial support activities in ActionAid Community

Ola’s devotion towards children

Ola Mohammad is 23-year-old Jordanian young women from Zarqa, Jordan. She has been working as a volunteer since she graduated, she is also keen to phycology. Ola is a Youth Activities Facilitator as


Nazeh Shukri, is a 23-year-old young man from Zarqa, Jordan, a community youth activist with a wide experience working with different local and national organization, on the grassroots of youth work

Malak’s Ambitions Smile

The “leadership Training – Summer School” will target 800 students from both host and refugee communities over two years in two areas Bekaa and Jeb Jannine, the summer school with its extracurricular

The Power of Leadership

The two years project will target 800 male and female students in order to promote life skills and leadership skills. The project also aims to promote community integration among the students, the

A Substantial Energy

Emad at ActionAid Community Center in Lebanon - Jeb Jannine

Crossing Boundaries

Rasha at ActionAid Community Center in Lebanon – Baalbek

A Teacher with High Hopes

The two years project will target 800 male and female students in order to promote life skills and leadership skills. The project also aims to promote community integration among the students, the


Climate action projects and workshops: adding a green component to our work

ActionAid Arab Region started a new initiative to push forward climate action through activities, projects and workshops in Jordan.